What’s is difference between Security, Privacy, and Anonymity? I get this question all the time, but it’s a good question. Companies muddy the waters with these three and some companies lie about them. You have to determine what your threat model is (ads, hackers, your internet provider, governments, etc). Let’s get into it. SECURITY Security doesn’t mean you have privacy. Security means keeping the threat out of your stuff, but may require you give up some privacy. For example, when you put a Ring door bell on your door, you have security. But you give out information/data to the Ring company (Amazon), which may use that info as they wish (lack of privacy). There is no such thing as the cloud. Just other people's computers you put your stuff on. Side note: Currently I’m only doing Apple and Android, but will add others in the future as I get questions on them. • If most of your family and friends use iOS devices, then Apple is a good security choice. • If most of your fami...